4MOST - 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope
4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope

IWG2 - Survey Strategy and Simulations

IWG Head: Peder Norberg, Jesper Storm

List of members:

Name Affiliation
David Alexander Durham
Thomas Bensby LU-Phys
Matteo Bianconi Birmingham
Thomas Boller MPE
Cristina Chiappini AIP
Norbert Christlieb LSW
Johan Comparat MPE
Scott Croom SIFA
Anna Barbara de Andrade Queiroz IAC
Sofia Feltzing LU-Geo
Alexis Finoguenov HU
Christopher Frohmaier Southampton
Isobel Hook Lancaster
Rodrigo Ibata ObAS
Mike Irwin IoA
Sergey Khoperskov AIP
Jean-Paul Kneib EPFL
Thomas Kupfer UHH
Jake Laas MPE
Chris Lidman ANU
Joe Liske UHH
Sara Lucatello OAPd
Romain Lucchesi UNIFI
Hans-Günter Ludwig LSW
Gal Matijevic AIP
Andrea Merloni MPE
Ivan Minchev AIP
Peder Norberg Durham
Celine Peroux ESO
Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas UPC
Johan Richard CRAL
Giuseppe Germano Sacco OAA
Paula Sanchez Saez ESO
Linda Schmidtobreick ESO-Chile
Ása Skúladóttir UNIFI
Jenny G. Sorce AIP
Rosanna Sordo OAPd
Lorenzo Spina OAPd
Else Starkenburg RuG
Jesper Storm AIP
Edward Taylor CAS
Elmo Tempel UT
Gregor Traven UNILJ
Taavi Tuvikene UT
Elena Valenti ESO
Fabio Vito OAS
Nicholas Walton IoA
Gábor Worseck n/a
Nicholas Wright Keele
Stijn Wuyts Bath
Monica Zorotovic UV