4MOST - 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope
4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope

S17 - Transform our Understanding of the Baryon Cycle with High-Resolution Quasar Spectroscopy (ByCycle)

Survey PI: Celine Peroux

List of members (23 total)

Name Affiliation
Ramona Augustin AIP
Fabian Balzer MPE
Maria-Rosa Cioni AIP
Johan Comparat MPE
Simon Driver UWA-ICRAR
Alejandra Fresco MPE
Antonella Garzilli EPFL
Aleksandra Hamanowicz STScI
Anne Klitsch NBI
Matthias Kluge MPE
Jean-Paul Kneib EPFL
Jens-Kristian Krogager CRAL
Joe Liske UHH
Andrea Merloni MPE
Dylan Nelson ARI
Celine Peroux ESO
Johan Richard CRAL
Mara Salvato MPE
Paula Sanchez Saez ESO
Patricia Schady Bath
Roland Szakacs n/a
Simon Weng SIFA
Qian Yang CfA