News update from the Project Scientist(s)
by Anna Arnadottir on 2016-11-26
Since the All Hands Meeting in Heidelberg Project Science has been working on consolidating the Science Schedule. This has been possible thanks to the recent agreement between ESO and 4MOST regarding Phase1 and Phase2. Phase1 starts essentially just before the Call for Letters of intent to the Community and Phase 2 ends when the full 4MOST Survey Program starts. We hope to publish the schedule for Phase 0, 1, and 2 very soon as it is also needed for the Data Flow Design Review that will take place in late March 2017, in Lund, Sweden.
As of the All Hands Meeting Morgan Fouesneau has taken over as the lead for the Infrastructure Working Group 9 - Object Classification, after Gal Matijevic had to step down. Morgan is very welcome and we look forward to working with him.
Much work in the Project Science is currently, November and December 2016, focused on preparation for the Data Flow Design Review. This includes making sure that all Survey Science Plans are released as well as all relevant documentation from the Infrastructure Working Groups.