Successful Science Team Meeting
by Henri Boffin on 2024-02-27
The 4MOST Science Team Meeting, which took place from 12-16 February, was a great success, with a record 217 registered participants, either in person at Uppsala University, Sweden, or online.
This was likely the last in-person meeting before 4MOST sees first light and it therefore was key in shaping the future of the Project. It allowed survey teams to converge and delve into discussions on survey strategy and operations before the submission of the Survey Management Plan. It also provided a golden opportunity to plan and discuss the first technical and science papers.
In addition to plenary sessions discussing topics such as survey simulations, commissioning plans, or DR0 science and papers, there were several breakout sessions about the various infrastructure working groups, the various other 4MOST working groups, as well as on galactic and extragalactic science. All available presentations can be found on Docushare.