4MOST - 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope
4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope

4MOST dataflow design review

by Anna Arnadottir on 2017-04-02

The 4MOST dataflow design review took place at Lund Observatory on March 29-30 with about 30 members of the 4MOST team attending.  The review panel (posing in the picture below) was composed of Dimitri Gadotti (ESO),  Danny Lennon (ESA), William O’Mullane (ESA), Martino Romaniello (ESO), Ricardo Schiavon (Liverpool John Moores University), Mario van den Ancker (ESO), Anne-Marie Weijmans (University of St. Andrews),  Rees Williams (University of Groningen) and Michael Wise (ASTRON).  Getting insights and suggestions for improvement from these outside experts was much appreciated by the 4MOST team.

4MOST review panel