Science Team Meeting 2024
by Henri Boffin on 2023-12-02

The University Hall of Uppsala University.
The next 4MOST Science Team Meeting is now open for registration. It will take place in Uppsala on 12-16 February 2024. Participants can follow the sessions online or in person. Please see for more details.
The science that 4MOST will enable is at the core of this meeting. We therefore invite all participants (online and in-person) to submit suggestions for contributed talks, including title and abstract, using a Google form. These should not be the usual survey-presentation talks, but rather focus on a specific science question that 4MOST data will help address, and can be connected to ongoing research projects with other surveys and instruments. There is also a possibility to submit general suggestions for the meeting agenda using the same Google form. Your input will help us develop the programme, so we kindly request that abstracts/feedback are sent before 8 January.