4MOST Code of Conduct released
by Joe Liske on 2021-11-30
The 4MOST Code of Conduct (CoC) has recently been approved by the Science Coordination Board, the Executive Board and the ESO Director for Science, and it is now applicable to the work of all 4MOST Project members, including all Consortium Survey members. The CoC establishes important principles like open, respectful communication and a shared commitment to a set of values that include ethical conduct, civility, inclusiveness, and diversity. It also describes escalation procedures in case of conflicts. All 4MOST members will be required to confirm, once a year, that they have read the CoC and that they will adhere to it. The request to confirm the CoC (as well as basic contact details) will be launched soon by the 4MOST User Management System.
The CoC foresees the installment of at least two Ombudspersons, who will provide independent, confidential and neutral advice to members of 4MOST in case of problems or conflicts within the Project. They will also provide current information about services, programs, policies, and procedures. They will try to resolve problems through mediation or by making recommendations to the 4MOST leadership. Nominations for 4MOST Ombudsperson candidates have been solicited by the 4MOST Principal Investigator, Roelof de Jong, on 17 November 2021.