Update on Local Acceptance Reviews
by Joe Liske on 2022-06-14
The Project Manager, Joar Brynnel, reports:
As the hardware of the 4MOST sub-systems is getting ready for delivery, the activity connected to the Local Acceptance Reviews (LARs) is ramping up. On 09 June 2022, the LAR for the Calibration System was held, followed by LAR part 1 for the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) on 10 June 2022.
The Calibration System hardware was brought from NOVA to LSW in Heidelberg on 07 June 2022 for final tests together with the HRS. After re-assembly of the Calibration System hardware, data was collected for performance verification. The formal LAR meeting was scheduled for 09 June 2022, and it was attended by NOVA (Johan Pragt, Ramon Navarro and Ioannis Politopoulos), ESO (Jeff Pirard), and the Project Office (Olga Bellido, Aida Ezzati-Amini, Steffen Frey, Domenico Giannone, Roelof de Jong, Genoveva Micheva and Joar Brynnel). The LAR meeting was graciously hosted by LSW. We were able to go through the complete set of LAR tests and checks, and an action item list was agreed on. As the Calibration System hardware still needs some work, it was decided to ship it back to NOVA after the LAR. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for 8 – 10 August 2022 to close out the open action items. The Calibration System is expected to be shipped to the AIP for 4MOST system integration and testing on 11 – 12 August 2022.
Regarding the HRS, it was decided to split its LAR into two parts: the first part comprised the review of the compliance matrix to verify the optical performance of the HRS instrument. This part was held on 10 June 2022, and it was concluded that the performance of HRS is excellent with no major problems identified. The decision to split the HRS LAR in two parts was driven by the need to transfer the HRS control electronics to the AIP as soon as possible, at which point no more HRS data can be taken at LSW. As the documentation package is not yet complete, this will be reviewed during LAR part 2 in early August together with all other formal aspects of the WP. Shipment of the HRS to the AIP is scheduled for 22 August 2022.